Indulge Guilt-free with these Top 10 Heart Healthy Snacks during the IPL Season

It’s that time of the year again, the electrifying atmosphere of the IPL season is upon us! The roar of the crowd, the flash of boundaries, the nail-biting tension of each wicket – it’s a time for pure cricketing passion. But amidst the frenzy of cheering our favourite teams, it’s easy to get swept away by the allure of unhealthy snacking. This year, let’s rewrite the script !

This IPL season, ditch the guilt and embrace a healthier way to snack. Here we present top 10 heart healthy snacks that are as exciting as a last-over chase. So, get ready to experience the IPL like never before – with the thrill of the game alongside the satisfaction of nourishing your body. From protein-packed dips to crunchy roasted delights, these recipes offer a flavour explosion without compromising your health. So, put on your team jersey, grab your favourite beverage, and get ready to experience the perfect blend of cricketing passion and mindful snacking!

Top 10 Heart Healthy Snacks :

  1. Masala Sprouts Chaat: A classic chaat gets a healthy makeover! Sprouted moong beans (dal) tossed with chopped onions, tomatoes, cucumber, coriander leaves, lemon juice, and a sprinkle of chaat masala is a fibre and protein-rich power punch.
  2. Makhana Pops: Roast makhana (fox nuts) until crisp. Toss them in a mixture of your favourite spices – cumin, chilli powder, amchur (dry mango powder) – for a delightful and crunchy snack.
  3. Yoghurt with Berries and Granola: A simple yet satisfying option. Plain yoghurt provides probiotics and calcium, while berries add antioxidants and fibre. Top it off with a sprinkle of homemade granola for a touch of sweetness and texture.
  4. Roasted Pumpkin Seeds: Pumpkin seeds are loaded with heart-healthy fats and protein. Roast them with a dash of turmeric and cumin powder for a flavorful and addictive snack.
  5. Fruit Chaat : For a guilt-free dessert option, try making fruit chaat. Chop a variety of seasonal fruits like apples, bananas, mangoes, and oranges and toss them together in a bowl. Sprinkle it with chaat masala, black salt, and a squeeze of lemon juice for a tangy and refreshing sweet treat.
  6. Oil-Free Chicken Tikka: Indulge in the rich flavours of chicken tikka without the excess oil. Marinate boneless chicken pieces in a mixture of yoghurt, ginger-garlic paste, and spices like turmeric, cumin, and coriander. Thread the marinated chicken onto skewers and grill or bake until cooked through and charred on the edges.
  7. Cucumber Raita with Mint: Finely chopped cucumber mixed with chilled yoghurt, mint leaves, and a pinch of cumin is a refreshing and cooling dip for roasted vegetables or crackers.
  8. Baked Samosa Chaat: Take the guilt out of samosas! Bake instead of frying them, and crumble them over a bed of chopped onions, tomatoes, and chickpeas (chana) for a deconstructed, healthier version of your favourite chaat.
  9. Flaxseed Ladoos: Made with roasted flaxseeds (alsi), jaggery (gur), and nuts, these laddoos are a powerhouse of omega-3 fatty acids, fibre, and healthy fats.
  10. Roasted Chickpeas (Chana): A classic for a reason! Toss chickpeas in a mixture of spices like cumin, coriander, and chilli powder, and roast them until crispy. These crunchy delights are a protein and fibre fiesta.

Bonus Tip:  Pair these snacks with herbal teas like chamomile or mint for a truly wholesome and refreshing IPL experience!

Enjoy the IPL season with these guilt-free heart healthy snacks, and remember – a healthy heart is a happy heart. So cheer on your team, savour the delicious food, and celebrate the spirit of cricket responsibly!

For more such tips keep following Heart Tarang , your Heart Health Partner .

Smart Health: Why is it essential to include portable ECG devices in home monitoring?

smart health

In India, the silent killer of heart disease claims millions of lives annually, with a staggering 50% of those deaths occurring due to patients not reaching the hospital during the vital “golden hour” – the crucial window for intervention. This grim reality highlights the urgent need to revolutionise post-diagnostic home monitoring for cardiovascular patients in India, and portable ECG devices emerge as a potential game-changer.

The Burden of Heart Disease in India

  • The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) to be the leading cause of death in India, accounting for an alarming 27% of all mortalities.
  • A 2022 study published in The Lancet revealed that CVD prevalence has almost doubled in India over the past three decades, with a disproportionate impact on rural populations.
  • Delayed intervention during cardiac events is a major concern, significantly impacting survival rates.

What are the challenges of post-diagnostic monitoring in India ?

The concept of home monitoring is not very popular in India,Roughly 60% of heart patients in India skip regular checkups. There are several reasons, some of these are-

  1. Limited Accessibility: Lack of widespread availability of portable ECG devices in India inhibits post-diagnostic home monitoring.
  2. Awareness Gap: Insufficient awareness among the population about the importance of post-diagnostic home monitoring contributes to its lack.
  3. Healthcare Infrastructure: India’s healthcare infrastructure may not fully support the integration of post-diagnostic home monitoring, affecting its adoption.

How can Portable ECG Devices bridge the gap ?

Portable ECG devices, compact and often wireless, offer real-time monitoring of heart rhythms. This can be crucial for post-diagnostic patients by-

  • Early Detection of Arrhythmias: These devices track irregularities in heartbeats, potentially providing early warnings of complications like heart attacks or strokes.
  • Informed Medication Management: Data from portable ECGs help doctors adjust medication dosages and personalise treatment plans, ensuring optimal efficacy.
  • Remote Monitoring and Peace of Mind: Patients can share readings with their doctors remotely, facilitating timely interventions and reducing anxiety.

Heart Tarang Portable ECG Device : Revolutionising Home Monitoring

The Heart Tarang Portable ECG Device, the world’s fastest medical-grade 12-lead ECG , delivers 99.99% accurate results within 15 seconds. Equipped with defibrillator protection and synced with the HeartTarang Android app, it offers real-time results. In addition to ECG data, it tracks other cardiovascular disease-related metrics like SPO2, heart rate, NIBP, and temperature. Conveniently rechargeable and user-friendly. Some of its benefits are-

  • Cost-Effectiveness: Heart Tarang Portable ECG presents a more affordable alternative to traditional hospital-based monitoring. It can decrease emergency visits and hospitalizations in the long term.
  • Accessibility in Remote Areas: It enhances accessibility in rural areas where healthcare facilities are limited.
  • Improved Patient Outcomes: Faster detection of complications leads to prompt medical intervention and potentially improved survival during the “golden hour”.

The Road to a Healthier India

The widespread adoption of portable ECG devices in India has the potential to revolutionise cardiovascular care, bridge gaps in healthcare access, and save countless lives. India stands at a turning point in its fight against heart disease.

Come join us to fight this battle with the help of Heart Tarang Portable ECG device  and Stay tuned to HeartTarang blogs for more such informative articles.

Cardiovascular Wellness Tips:10 Superfoods To Implement in Your Diet

cardiovascular wellness tips

The way to cardiovascular wellness starts from a healthy stomach,and the Indian kitchen is a treasure trove packed with an abundance of incredible foods and herbs. Our traditions and customs are centred around food for a good reason: health starts with nourishing foods. However, it’s essential to recognize that diseases can also originate from dietary habits.

Therefore, we’ve chosen 10 easily accessible superfoods to incorporate into your daily diet for cardiovascular wellness :

  1. Pulses and Legumes:A staple in Indian kitchens, lentils, beans, and chickpeas are powerhouses of fibre, protein, and essential nutrients. They help lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and regulate blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart disease. Enjoy them in dals, salads, soups, or even as healthy snack options.
  2. Turmeric:This golden spice holds immense medicinal properties. Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, possesses anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can benefit heart health by improving blood flow and reducing inflammation in the arteries. Include turmeric in curries, stir-fries, or even golden milk for a warm and comforting beverage.
  3. Olive Oil:While not traditionally Indian, olive oil has gained popularity for its health benefits. Rich in monounsaturated fats, olive oil can help lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and improve good cholesterol (HDL) levels, contributing to a healthy heart. Use olive oil for cooking, salad dressings, or drizzled over vegetables.
  4. Flaxseeds:These tiny seeds are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, essential for maintaining healthy cholesterol levels and reducing inflammation. Grind flaxseeds and sprinkle them on salads, yogurt, or oatmeal, or enjoy them as a healthy snack.
  5. Garlic:This pungent yet versatile ingredient is not just a flavour enhancer but also a cardiovascular wellnesshero. Garlic helps lower blood pressure and improve blood flow, thanks to its sulphur-containing compounds. Enjoy garlic in curries, stir-fries, or even raw for a potent health boost.
  6. Fenugreek:This herb, commonly used in dals and curries, is rich in fiber and antioxidants. Studies suggest fenugreek may help lower bad cholesterol and blood sugar levels, contributing to overall heart health.
  7. Almonds:These readily available nuts are a powerhouse of vitamin E, healthy fats, and fibre. Almonds can help lower bad cholesterol and improve blood vessel function, promoting a healthy heart. Enjoy them as a snack, sprinkle them on salads, or incorporate them into desserts.
  8. Papaya: This tropical delight is packed with vitamins A and C, antioxidants, and fibre. Papaya can help lower inflammation, improve blood pressure, and promote overall heart health. Enjoy it fresh, in smoothies, or incorporated into salads and yoghourt parfaits.
  9. Dark Chocolate:Indulge guilt-free with dark chocolate containing at least 70% cocoa. Dark chocolate is rich in flavanols, antioxidants that can improve blood flow and reduce blood pressure, benefiting heart health.
  10. Yogurt:This probiotic-rich food is not just delicious but also heart-friendly. Yogurt helps lower bad cholesterol and improve blood pressure, promoting overall cardiovascular health. Choose plain yogurt and add fresh fruits, nuts, or honey for a delightful and nutritious snack.

Remember, a healthy heart requires holistic heart care. While incorporating these superfoods into your diet is valuable, it’s crucial to maintain a balanced and active lifestyle for optimal cardiovascular wellness.

It’s always wise to take precautions rather than seeking a cure.

Trust HeartTarang Portable ECG Device for cardiovascular wellness monitoring and Stay tuned to HeartTarang blogs for more heart-healthy tips.

Sad or SAD : How to recognize when your mental health is becoming a burden on your heart ?

What is health? The World Health Organization defines health as “a state of physical, mental, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” This means that if we’re not mentally and socially well, our physical health can suffer too.If any of these areas are neglected, maintaining good physical health becomes challenging. Physical well-being is closely tied to having a good life, which relies on a healthy state of mind. The heart, a crucial organ for our well-being, faces various challenges like anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder, putting considerable strain on it. It’s important to realise that heart health isn’t only about having a fit body but also about having a healthy mind and emotions.

Currently, in India around 200 million people are dealing with mental health problems such as depression and anxiety. This emphasises the need for open discussions about how mental health affects heart health and when it’s crucial to seek professional help.

How mental health impacts the heart?

  • Mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and chronic stress can have profound effects on heart health.
  • These conditions lead to physiological changes in the body, including increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure, inflammation, and altered immune function.
  • Over time, these changes can contribute to the development or exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases such as coronary artery disease, heart failure, and arrhythmias.

Mechanisms of Impact:

  • Depression and anxiety activate the body’s stress response, leading to the release of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline.
  • Chronic stress triggers inflammation in the body, which can damage blood vessels and contribute to atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).
  • Persistent high levels of stress hormones and inflammation can strain the heart and increase the risk of cardiovascular events like heart attacks and strokes.

Emotional Factors:

  • Mental health issues can also impact behaviours that affect heart health, such as smoking, unhealthy eating habits, sedentary lifestyle, and poor medication adherence.
  • Additionally, individuals with mental health disorders may experience social isolation, lack of social support, and difficulty accessing healthcare, further increasing their risk of heart problems.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD):

  • SAD, a subtype of depression that occurs during specific seasons, particularly in fall and winter, can also impact heart health.
  • While the exact mechanisms linking SAD to heart health are still being studied, research suggests that disruptions in circadian rhythms, altered serotonin levels, and increased production of inflammatory markers may contribute to cardiovascular risk factors.

Impact on Heart Disease:

  • Individuals with mental health disorders are at a higher risk of developing heart disease and experiencing adverse cardiovascular events.
  • Depression, in particular, has been linked to a two to four-fold increase in the risk of coronary artery disease and a higher likelihood of heart attacks and strokes.
  • Moreover, mental health disorders can worsen the prognosis and outcomes of existing heart conditions, leading to higher mortality rates.

But how can we tell if it’s just sadness or something more serious? There are physical signs that can help us understand whether it’s just a passing feeling or if our bodies are trying to tell us something important.

When to seek help?

Here are some physiological symptoms that may indicate it’s time to seek professional help:

  1. Fatigue or low energy levels
  2. Changes in appetite or weight
  3. Insomnia or sleeping too much
  4. Headaches or migraines
  5. Muscle tension or body aches
  6. Digestive issues such as stomach pain or nausea
  7. Rapid heartbeat or palpitations
  8. Shortness of breath or chest pain
  9. Dizziness or lightheadedness
  10. Sweating or trembling

Knowing when to seek help for mental health issues that may impact heart health is crucial for early intervention and prevention of long-term complications.
In the fight against mental health challenges, staying vigilant and recognizing the signs is crucial. Regularly monitoring your heart’s health and understanding its fluctuations is essential. HeartTarang Portable ECG can serve as your dependable heart health partner.